MS Astor

On board of MS Astor I did the most of my contract's! Over all I did 3 contract's with over 28 cruises. I've been to al lot of places on board the Astor.


In April 2011 I joined in Venice and visited the med. Sea, western Europe, Norway, Island, Svalbard, eastern Sea, northern Sea, GB and Greenland until I singed off August in port of in Bremerhaven .


In January 2013 I joined in Dubai went to India, Maldives, Seychelles, Madagascar, around South Africa, Namibia, western Africa, Cap Verde, up north western Europe and singed off in Bremerhaven in April. After just 3 weeks of holiday I came back on board in Bremerhaven (May) and we went to eastern Sea, GB, Norway, Island, northern Sea, Svalbard, Greenland, Canada, western Europe, mediterran Sea, black Sea until I singed off in late Oktober in Piräus/Greece...


Tours 2011               Tours winter 2013                Tours summer 2013