The Tour

Day 1 Arrive Beijing

Feel free to arrive in Beijing at any time today, as there are no planned activities. The group will meet at 1800hrs. Please check for a notice from your Tour Leader. Following the meeting, there's an option to eat some delicious Beijing delights with your new group.


Days 2-3 Beijing

On Day 2 we set out early for the Great Wall at Mutianyu. Here you can spend the day wandering from tower to tower along this magnificent feat of construction. Possibly bring a picnic and eat it atop the wall.

We will make it home for the late afternoon, where it is possible to see a Shaolin Monk Kung Fu Show, the Beijng Opera, or the Beijing Acrobats!

Day 3 takes us exploring the Forbidden City and its corridors and buildings. We will also stand in the heart of Tiananmen square, and hear the significance of these places to modern day Chinese. In the afternoon we will visit the Temple of Heaven, which is a refuge for Chinese retirees, where they practice water calligraphy, tai chi, or walk pet crickits! We'll tour the temple itself, and learn the history of this intricate structure, historically only used twice a year!

On the evening of Day 3, we board a comfortable overnight sleeper that will ease us into Xi'an early the following morning. (12 hrs)


Days 4-5 Xi'an

The ancient Tang Dynasty capital holds so many things to explore. The first morning we arrive, we will do an orientation of the city, followed by a trip atop the ancient city walls, which enclose the heart of the modern city. We'll also tour the Drum and Bell Towers today, which are Xi'an's famous innercity landmarks.

On Day 5 we will travel 45 minutes to the site of the sprawling pits of the Terracotta Warriors. We'll spend a long morning here with our local guide. In the evening, the best way to fuel your stomach is to take a stroll through the Muslim Quarter, munching on nan bread and lamb skewers, dried fruits and roasted walnuts. Delicious!


Days 6-8 Yangshuo (1L)

We fly to Guilin early in the morning, and from the airport we transfer two hours to the village town of Yangshuo. This will no doubt rate as one of your favorite spots in China. The scenery is spectacular, surrounded by limestone karsts with a river running through the rice fields. On Day 7 we take a cycle ride through the fields with a local guide. We will climb up Moon Hill for spectacular views of the karsts, rewarded by a delicious local lunch. Try beer fish, garlic fried water spinach and stuffed aubergine!

There are so many options for your free time in Yangshuo, from cooking school in a picturesque setting, to tai chi on the river, calligraphy and painting, shopping in the local markets, walking along the river, swimming or just spending time soaking up the scenery in one of the many tempting cafes around town.

On the evening of day 8, we transfer back to Guilin train station where we take an overnight train which arrives in Hong Kong in the late morning.(13 hrs)


Days 9 Hong Kong

We arrive to our hotel in Hong Kong in the early afternoon of Day 9. Welcome to the big bustling city! There is so much to do in Hong Kong, from visiting Victoria Peak, taking the Star Ferry to one of the various islands to going clubbing on Lan Kuai Fung and eating the freshest of seafood at Temple Street Night Market.


Day 10 Hong Kong

Depart at any time.